I am a bit on the fence with this. I know great things take time. But Starry Night was painted in a weekend and if you had seen me finish off a KFC bucket in the time that I do, you would agree that that is art.

But yeah the counter point you present is just as compelling. Yeah this makes me think!

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I agree with Sanket. Perhaps the years of yards he put in may have allowed Zimmer to create masterpieces overnight?

Maybe it's a mix of both. But definitely agree with your cautionary note about hustle art.

Also, "I can’t say I know Hans personally" had me in splits 😂😂

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Ha ha ha, Bangalore metro certainty fits moving, tantric and question-your-existence check boxes 😅.

I wonder though if patient art not just needs a patient artist but also patient receivers of art. I often think that perhaps the Mona Lisa might have been lost in the frenzy of modern content if LDV existed in this era.

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